National Cutting Horse Association Offers World Series of Cutting

Since 1970, Jerry Durant has owned and worked as principal dealer for the Jerry Durant Auto Group based in Weatherford, Texas. When not overseeing his Weatherford car dealerships, Mr. Durant enjoys watching his quarter horses compete. A lifetime member of the National Cutting Horse Association (NCHA), he participates in numerous events sponsored by the organization.

Founded in 1946 at the Southwestern Exposition and Fat Stock Show, the NCHA promotes and stages horse cutting events. With divisions scattered throughout the United States, the NCHA provides all levels of riders with the same opportunities to compete in cutting events.

With cutting showcases occurring throughout the year, riders have numerous chances to compete. One event, the 2015 Mercuria NCHA World Series of Cutting, is in its fifth year of competition and offers $50,000 at each series event. Due to the high-stakes prize amount, competitive horses and riders seek the chance to be horse of the year or world champion. The last event before the finals is the All American Quarter Horse Congress in Columbus, Ohio, on October 7 and 8, 2015.